SÉÉDO reconnaît que son travail, ainsi que celui de ses partenaires communautaires, se déroule sur des territoires autochtones traditionnels à travers la province.
LSSO recognizes that its work, and the work of its community partners take place on traditional Indigenous territories across the province.
Who We Are
We represent Ontario undergraduate law school students (i.e. those pursuing a J.D. or equivalent degrees). Our membership includes law students at the University of Windsor, Western University, the University of Toronto, Lakehead University, Osgoode Hall Law School (York University), Queen's University, Lincoln Alexander School of Law (Toronto Metropolitan University), and the University of Ottawa.
The LSSO executive is supported by the LSSO Advisory Board, which is composed of Past-Presidents, a past Council member, and the current President of the LSSO.
Here are some of the organizations we collaborated with last year:
Ontario law students
Canadian law students
NCA & paralegal licensees
Members of the profession
Law schools' faculty & administration
Law Society of Ontario (incl. Licensing and Accreditation, Professional Development & Competence Committee, and Equity Advisory Group)
Federation of Law Societies of Canada
Roundtable of Diversity Associations
National Association for Law Placement
Lawyers Financial
LexisNexis Canada
The Lawyer's Daily News Media
Ontario Bar Association
Canadian Bar Association
Pro Bono Students Canada Headspace