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Articling Recruit Postponed & OCI Recruit Update


Articling recruit: The upcoming articling recruit for the 2021-2022 articling cycle has been postponed in response to COVID-19. Updated timelines will be announced by May 15. Extending timelines will help to ensure that employers are more confident in being able to hire students and also give students affected by the pandemic more time to prepare applications.

OCI recruit: The LSSO continues to be in active consultations with employers, law schools, and the LSO on the 2020-2021 OCI recruitment cycle. Stakeholders are currently working on details for a proposal for moving the recruit to Winter 2021 to reduce uncertainty related to isolation measures and also to account for the change in grading schemes at Ontario law schools.

We will continue to share student feedback on moving the recruit, including working to ensure that students that have made alternate commitments for the Winter 2021 semester are able to participate.

Please continue to share your feedback with us to help inform these discussions.

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